Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teach and Learn

There have been times when I have stood in front of a group of kids wearing the label of "Teacher," when it really should say "Student." It's funny how I can spend so much time preparing a lesson to teach my students, and they can just simply come into the classroom and teach me something by the things they say or do. But that's something I love about working with kids- you never quite know what to expect. They often surprise you. Sometimes in challenging ways, but sometimes in ways that inspire you to be a better person. I believe we can learn so much from children if we are open to our own growth and development. In many ways, the world could be a better place if we were a little more like them.

Last month I attended an Early Childhood Conference where Jason Kotecki was one of the keynote speakers. He is a comic-strip artist, an author, and an advocate for taking the time to enjoy, appreciate and have fun with your children. He shared with us what he calls the "8 Secrets from Childhood." Sometimes as adults we get so caught up in the stress and craziness of life, that we forget the things that are most important. I love these 8 "secrets" that are meant to help us leave some of our adult-like thinking behind, and soak in the moments of life-- the way kids do. These are definitely some valuable things that we could learn- or re-learn- from them.

1. Delight in the Little Things
2. Dream Big
3. Get Curious
4. Live with Passion
5. Play
6. Be Honest
7. Have Faith
8. Maintain Perspective

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