Sunday, August 21, 2011

Book Love: David Goes to School

School is starting this week, and I want to share some of the back-to-school books that I love and will be using in my classroom! Here's the first in a back-to-school series of Book Love posts.
Title: David Goes to School
Author: David Shannon

Why I Love This Book: If you are familiar with the David books that this author produces, you know that they are simple, funny, and true to life. I think this book is a fun way to talk about rules and procedures in the classroom. I think it's especially great for Kindergarten kids because they are new to Elementary school, and for some of them, new to the structure and routines that come with being a part of a class. From a teacher's perspective, I think we all encounter kids like David who might need a little bit more help to learn how to be a student. We have the opportunity to help teach them those essential skills that will allow them to be successful throughout their education. For me, this book is a humorous reminder to be patient with those students who seem like a terror, but really just need our support and guidance. 

1 comment:

  1. I read this book to my class on the first day and they LOVED it. I was amazed how a lot of them kept referring back to the story & what David did throughout the week when we were talking about rules and procedures. It's a great book. :) Erin
